Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The First Stone

The world is teetering in this
so called state of balance, and I
myself am off kilter, the gravity
of my center fast-approaching implosion.

The last ounce of whiskey has
evaporated from a bottle—thirty days
it has been yet I still feel its fire lingering in
my bowels commanding a direction.

I take a long draw from a cigarette,
telling myself it's the last, though I know
in short time I will feel the momentum of
its presence gripping at my heart

with the echo of ages, forcing every
last pint of blood racing
through narrowing veins.  And these I use
as a substitute for rage—coercing

the body into feeling how I would have it.
To recall the act of life and how
no matter what choices are made I
cannot persuade my spirit to deviate.

It is a fool's errand attempting to dominate
a world spinning off its axis, and these words
will soon dissipate—an antithesis tumbling
down the ladder one rung at a time.


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